DCHS Showcase - ELITE!!!

Start Date: 2024-07-21
End Date: 2024-07-26
Cost: 599.99
Location: Paradise (Paradise Duplex)
To register for the Showcase please contact Corey Crocker at cmc@dannycleary.ca.
See full details below.

Welcome to the 2024 U15, U16 & U18 AA/AAA Male and Female Showcase. This showcase places an emphasis on elite competition, development, education, and opportunity. Throughout the five-day showcase players will receive four specialized skills sessions covering power skating, offensive tactics, defensive tactics, small area play, and team concepts.

Beginning on day three players will participate in a round robin tournament style format to showcase their individual and team skills in front of scouts, agents, coaches, prep schools, and other hockey personnel. Games will be seventy-five minutes in duration and will be professionally officiated. Tournament standings will be determined by wins and losses as well as team challenges throughout the daily schedule. All points awarded will contribute declaring a showcase champion.

You will also receive professionally developed well balance classroom presentations on topics such as consent and internet safety, nutrition, goal setting, hockey video sessions, leadership, injury prevention, and choosing your hockey path.

In addition to the classroom sessions, you will sit in on a panel presentation featuring guest from prep schools, junior, university, and NHL clubs. On the fourth day of our camp all our athletes are treated to a catered banquet that has motivational speeches and great giveaways.

This showcase put a major emphasis on education for both players and parents. This is an opportunity to learn and ask questions about hockey specific questions that you’re unsure of. This is an action-packed week of hockey that will prepare you for the next level if you choose to advance your game. 2024 marks our 4th annual DCHS Showcase and we’re actively promoting Newfoundland and Labradorian players to the world.